Friday 15 April 2011

You cant see what's down your back for a reason!!!

Jus thinkin', alota times in life... People are drawn back by past experiences, guilt convictions, bad habits etc.. We jus let all that enslave us.. I wonder Y tho????

Cuz.. in school.. or when you get advice from elders(the better things in life).. we are quick to forget it.. But when it comes to conscience troubling matters.. we just cant let it go.. Those things stick to us like no man's business... It keeps us unhappy.

Point to note; When you are happy you are stronger!! 

Forget about the past... YESSSS i know it shapes you.. YESSS i know if its a success from the past.. WE love the thought of it... so much that we dont move from it..But you know.. we gotta move up and ahead... do better than before.. So whether you had a good or bad past.. it shouldn't keep you stagnant.. MOVE FORWARD!!! Ephesians 4 says... We gotta be constantly renewed!!! Indeed

Cant help but mention that.. "Unhappiness is not of God..."

The Joy of your Lord is your Strength

Keep moving.. never backwards.. forward always!!!

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