Friday 18 November 2011

They say love is Stronger than Pride...

I beg to Differ.. Trust me.. I learnt it from the best..

In this day and age The words TRUE and LOVE should not be in the same sentence what so ever..... Its all too clear, things come and go. So Don't you sit there and expect ' yo love to swim a thousand miles... 'just to see you smiling' ..

The idea that Love is stronger than Pride is beyond the realm of reality in all honesty.. We place ourselves so high up.. Valuing OUR emotions above all else. Big Egos.. running the shore.. I mean, Really Does True.... (new sentence).. Love even exist among humans? It's always: "I cant be seen doing this".. or that.. in the name of love. "He's gonna think im in too deep"... "She'll take advantage of me".. if i love her too much, " im afraid if i dont leave room for dissapointment.. imma be hurt soo bad".. Sigh!!!!

Im a sucker for love.. I was a sucker for love.. But Pride messed it all up ..

They say.. Love is Stronger than Pride..They say it conquers all... they say, he says.. Say what??  I beg to Differ!

Saturday 16 April 2011

The better things in life..

The power is in our hands

We are stunned at people's  victories and successes.. We wonder why we don't encounter such... trust me. I know why.. Its because we are too busy thinking of  what time we will rest, how tired we are, How much work we have to do etc.. Those people who have their victories in line... are  sitting and thinking.. What do i ought to be better.. Thats the difference between winners and contemplating winners.. let me get some work done...  seeing as i now know that the power is in my hands.. i better put my own words into practice...

Dont be full of contemplation.. rather adopt the attitude of implementation.. just a thought!!!

Friday 15 April 2011

You cant see what's down your back for a reason!!!

Jus thinkin', alota times in life... People are drawn back by past experiences, guilt convictions, bad habits etc.. We jus let all that enslave us.. I wonder Y tho????

Cuz.. in school.. or when you get advice from elders(the better things in life).. we are quick to forget it.. But when it comes to conscience troubling matters.. we just cant let it go.. Those things stick to us like no man's business... It keeps us unhappy.

Point to note; When you are happy you are stronger!! 

Forget about the past... YESSSS i know it shapes you.. YESSS i know if its a success from the past.. WE love the thought of it... so much that we dont move from it..But you know.. we gotta move up and ahead... do better than before.. So whether you had a good or bad past.. it shouldn't keep you stagnant.. MOVE FORWARD!!! Ephesians 4 says... We gotta be constantly renewed!!! Indeed

Cant help but mention that.. "Unhappiness is not of God..."

The Joy of your Lord is your Strength

Keep moving.. never backwards.. forward always!!!

Wednesday 13 April 2011


Life seems so impossible although it aint. god sets up things that you need to realise and put to good use. In my life if i was not aware of God's power, id always be complaining.. I have evrything on a silver platter, although other people may not see it that way. In a separated home with no mum... but God provided me with a wonderful step mum.. who is good to me.. actually more than one.. Short of finances??? He provided me with the brains and ability to get employment and earn some money. 

God's help is never out of supply.. Never..
trust me...
I am faced with a lot of opportunities.. and probably so are you.. we just need to take the time to realise these opportunities..  and when we do we'll kick ourselves for not trying it out before.. well thats God's way of making you trust him.. At the moment life is flowing.. This is because God is driving me through.... 

I am really blessed... we all are.. 

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Strength in Following

“The strength and happiness of an individual consists in finding out the way in which God is going, and going that way too.” Henry Ward Beecher.

Walking with God is your first step to happiness and strength. God will establish your ways if you let him lead you.  Its that simple... just follow.

SECONDLY, network yourself and aspire greatness, while working towards it. Getting rid of obstacles will lead you closer to your goal. Keep pushing