Friday 18 November 2011

They say love is Stronger than Pride...

I beg to Differ.. Trust me.. I learnt it from the best..

In this day and age The words TRUE and LOVE should not be in the same sentence what so ever..... Its all too clear, things come and go. So Don't you sit there and expect ' yo love to swim a thousand miles... 'just to see you smiling' ..

The idea that Love is stronger than Pride is beyond the realm of reality in all honesty.. We place ourselves so high up.. Valuing OUR emotions above all else. Big Egos.. running the shore.. I mean, Really Does True.... (new sentence).. Love even exist among humans? It's always: "I cant be seen doing this".. or that.. in the name of love. "He's gonna think im in too deep"... "She'll take advantage of me".. if i love her too much, " im afraid if i dont leave room for dissapointment.. imma be hurt soo bad".. Sigh!!!!

Im a sucker for love.. I was a sucker for love.. But Pride messed it all up ..

They say.. Love is Stronger than Pride..They say it conquers all... they say, he says.. Say what??  I beg to Differ!